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An Overview of Benefits, Risks, and Uses of Cupping Therapy

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Cupping has been renowned for treating back pain, neck discomfort, headaches, and other ailments.  Cupping therapy includes using suction to draw blood into the skin. Cupping can cause bruising and skin infection. While there is little data on the advantages of cupping, the treatment risks are negligible. It is a practice wherein the therapist uses suction cups to impart vacuum to the skin. It draws up and swells the tissue beneath the cup, increasing blood flow to the afflicted region. 

Impurities and poisons are drawn away from adjacent tissues and organs by increased blood flow under the cups and eliminated at the surface.

Many individuals believe that cupping balances the body’s yin and yang, negative and positive energy. Restoring equilibrium between these two extremes may increase the body’s immunity to infections and its capacity to improve blood flow and reduce pain.


Understanding Cupping Therapy


Is this your first time hearing this kind of therapy? So, what is cupping therapy anyway? Did you notice that celebrities now show up to events with little circular markings on their backs? These are the results of cupping treatment. But what exactly is it?

Cupping therapy is a treatment modality in which cups are put on the skin to create suction. This suction boosts the flow of energy in the body to improve healing.

One of the first medical pieces of literature that describe cupping therapy is Eber’s papyrus (1550 B.C.) from Ancient Egypt. Cupping is a feature of many ancient medicinal systems, such as:


  • Chinese
  • Unani
  • Traditional Korean
  • Tibetan


Suction, according to proponents, aids in the passage of “qi” in the body. Qi (chi) is a Chinese term that means “life energy.”

Cupping stimulates blood flow to the region where the cups are inserted. There are various benefits of cupping. It may reduce muscular tension, improve overall blood flow, and promote cell healing. It may also aid in forming new connective tissues and blood vessels in the tissue.

Cupping is used to supplement treatment for a variety of symptoms and diseases.


What Are The Health Benefits For Cupping?


A 2018 research on the medical perspective of cupping therapy shows an overview of cupping’s applications. 

The review was restricted to users that have been documented in scientific studies. According to this article, the many sorts of stimulation that cupping may deliver may be why it can benefit a wide range of ailments.

Cupping therapy is a harmless, conventional technique that works faster than massage therapy to relieve chronic muscle stiffness and discomfort.

People are rediscovering the benefits of cupping from Olympic athletes to pregnant pop singers. Maybe you’ve seen folks with those tell-tale red circles on their backs and shoulders at your gym or swimming pool. 

People are increasingly requesting cupping to ease persistent muscular discomfort. But did you know that there are several cupping therapy benefits? Below is the list of benefits of cupping therapy.


  • Provides Instant Pain Relief


Cupping can relieve arthritic pain, lower back discomfort, and other aches and pains. Cupping can also treat headaches, migraines, tooth pain, muscular pain, sciatica, and other forms of pain.

Cupping improves blood circulation and movement, making it an efficient therapy for rheumatism, lumbago, stiff neck, and shoulders.


  • Prevent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


We find it hard to relax in our fast-paced society. But if we do, we are psychologically overburdened by digital distractions.

It can contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome and can be a chronic weariness. Hijama or cupping can help in preventing this.


  • Clear Congestion and Helps Treat Asthma


Cupping can reduce congestion (the accumulation of fluid or phlegm in your lungs) caused by a cold, bronchitis, or even asthma. Cup suction breaks up and removes congestion. It transports oxygen-rich blood and lymph to your lungs and other respiratory muscles. 

Cups are commonly placed on the back. But, it can also be on the chest. Your therapist may keep the cups in place or slowly move them upward to help with lymph fluid circulation. Facial cupping can also help unclog your sinuses.


  • Healthy Skin


The health of your skin frequently mirrors what is going on within your body. Cupping increases blood flow to the skin. It improves the availability of oxygen and necessary nutrients for healthy skin. 

It also aids in preventing acne and other skin problems such as eczema and cellulite. Cupping therapy also stimulates blood vessel enlargement. It allows improved blood flow and the elimination of toxins from the skin’s surface.


  • Relieves Digestive Problem


Cupping stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Resulting in increased blood flow to the digestive tract. Gently cupping the abdomen stimulates the insides of your digestive organs as well. It promotes:

  • peristalsis (contractions that drive food through your digestive tract)
  • aids in the removal of colon obstructions
  • encourages the movement of blood and bodily fluids through your organs and relieves indigestion.


  • Heal Urinary Disease

Cupping can be used to treat urinary illnesses such as kidney stones, urinary retention, and abscesses. The cups are used to treat urine retention in the lumbar area.


  • Gives You Relaxation

Cupping is also a type of massage that induces relaxation. Cupping creates energy and blood flow, which is an excellent relaxation.


  • Helps You Heal Fast

Cupping can be used strategically to enhance blood flow to specific locations that require healing. Faster healing will result from improved blood and energy flow.

What Are The Risks Of Cupping Therapy?


Cupping therapy is a low-risk treatment. The side effects will generally appear during or immediately after your treatment. It is possible to have lightheadedness or dizziness and sweat, or nausea.

After therapy, the skin around the cup’s rim may become irritated and marked in a circular pattern. Infection can occur during cupping therapy, but it can be prevented if the practitioner cleans the skin and manages the condition before and after the session.


However, you may still encounter:


  • Burns from the hot cup
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tenseness or pain
  • Nausea


Skin infections, irritation, and scarring are all possibilities. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. They may provide cures or actions you may take before your session to avoid pain.

Serve Yourself a Cup of Wellness


Cupping is a centuries-old treatment that involves sucking the skin with glass, plastic, or silicone cups. It may improve immunological function, promote blood flow, and ease the pain.

Research shows that cupping therapy may be an effective supplemental treatment for several symptoms and diseases. More high-quality research is still required to prove what cupping can achieve.

If you decide to be a cupping convert or are already one, Mobile Kneads can help you through your journey! Mobile Kneads know just the right therapist for you. There is no need to exhaust your effort because they do the hard work for you. 

Mobile Kneads helps you find a therapist in your location. Visit their website at or book a massage today through their mobile app! Now available in App Store and Google Play. Don’t miss the promos and discounts only available on the app.

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